Global Safety Day 2013

It’s been 5 months since the day I started my new job (okie, almost new job) Where did all the time go? o.O

Here’s blogging down my first project in my not-so-new job on my 5 month-sary. 
Project Title: Global Safety Day 2013 – Regional Office Staff Communications
Overview: Electrolux celebrates Global Safety Day annually. The main purpose is to advocate workplace safety in the manufacturing plants. All Electrolux factories and offices around the globe celebrate this day in their local premises. For factories, cupcakes were distributed and workers gathered for speeches and prize-giving.
Concept: Localising the Global Safety Day message to create relevance for the staff working in the Singapore Regional Office. Electrolux does not have factories in Singapore. The regional office in Singpore mainly comprise of management and administrative staff. 
The Works:
Event EDM was sent a day before the actual event.

Absolutely love this EDM designed by ToolBox Design
Event posters were placed around the office 3 days prior to the actual event date.
Event Poster

Workplace Safety Signs were placed around the office.

To create the element of surprise, these signs were only up in the office on the actual event day.
I went in to office earlier on the event day to get it all set up ;D
SWITCH OFF computers at the end of the day
Got this one up at the exit. 
DO NOT overload power outlets
This was at the door of a meeting room. 
CLOSE cabinets and drawers after use
These signs were pasted on the cabinets along the walk way. They are kept there to date. 
This is my personal favourite. Check out the toilet sign!
Right behind the door and in the face, the door opens to the FALL HAZARD sign. The message is the keep toliet floor dry. 
Customised cupcake from GoobyCakes. Recommended by the interns I worked with back in Great Eastern.
These are red velvet cupcakes. Looks great and super yummy too.  There were given away at the pantry that morning.

We set up a photo booth at the pantry, completed with safety helmet, goggles and gloves. It was fun taking photos with my Polaroid camera at the pantry that day. Great way to meet new friends in a new office.  These folks are a super fun bunch. Check out flying irons!

Here’s my super cost effective display board.
Photo display board cum winners’ announcement board (we ran a photo contest), which was also used as a backdrop for the photo booth! 

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