Introducing, The Savvy Mommies’ Guide to Digital Marketing

You have heard of Dummies’ guides to almost everything. Here’s introducing my own brand of guides for the 1 or 2 things that I know. For everything else please go for Dummies’ guides (Yes, I know, this is shameless). ;p

If you have been around for a while, you would have known that I am into digital marketing. Here’s my first post on what I do professionally. The beauty of Digital Marketing is that it is ever changing and always growing. Which means, I too need to constantly improve, learn, unlearn and relearn new things. It’s the fun part of my job and I would like to share what I’ve learned with anyone who has a passion for all things digital.

If you are a Mom and wondering, “why would I need to know about Digital Marketing”?  
Here’s why- The fact that you are looking at this post pretty much answers the question.

Moms go Digital
Whether you are a mom blogger trying to promote your blog, a social media junkie who shares a part of your life on the internet or simply anyone who consults or consumes via the internet, having a better understanding of Digital Marketing would equip and protect you in the World Wild Web
What is Digital Marketing?
As the term suggests, it is marketing through digital channels. Which include, social media networks (think Facebook, Twitter… yup, you got it.), corporate or personal portals, online communities (think blogs, forums etc.), search engine marketing (think Google, Bing and other search engines), mobile apps and more – basically, anywhere online where marketeers can reach consumers.

Image from: Small Business Pool (dot) Net. Click image to read article. 

Beyond Online Ads
If you think that Digital Marketing is about the little banners to the right on Facebook, the annoying short clips before a youtube video and the emails in your inbox that starts with [ADV], you are absolutely right, partially. 

Online Marketing goes beyond the obvious, it can be in the form of sponsored content on blogs, instagram and other Social Media Networks or campaigns ran on Facebook, Twitter and beyond. Sometimes, it can be in the form of forum and blog seeding, which pretty much go undercovered. Sometimes, it comes along with the promotion of a Good Cause for Charity.

Most of the time, the aim is to get you (the consumers) to like or be engaged with the brand. A more romantic way of putting it would be this – It is a courtship, a competition between brands for the love of the consumers. 

The ultimate aim is to win the consumers over. The open secret is this – Be it above-the-line, below-the-line, through-the-line or online, all marketing efforts has the ultimate aim of sales conversion. We call it ROI – Return of Investment. This is what qualifies our marketing budgets and yes, contributes to our paycheck.

I know, Marketeers do not enjoy a very honourable reputation as compared to professionals in the medical or civil service field. But, allow me to qualify our value for existence  Here’s something I heard from someone back in my college days and I hold it close to my heart, “The makers, make. The workers, work. But the advertisers (and marketeers) bring back the dough”. There are many good (I know, and crappy) products out there. Many people worked hard on these products, many people’s livelihood is dependent on the sales of these products.

Well, some of you might have bad experiences with some marketing tactics, let’s just say that there are many ways to Rome – Some clever, some strategic and some down-right dirty. Most of the time, social media is the best and worst guard against the despicable and guess what, you are apart of social media if you have a facebook, twitter, instagram, pinterest or any other social networks account.

Here’s why everyone should know about Digital Marketing. Because it concerns you, as a consumer or a professional in this field. And here’s the wow to this post:
You can make Digital Marketing work to your best advantage. 

Convinced or not, check in to this blog for more posts on Digital Marketing. Who knows, you might find something useful along the way ;D

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