Kids’ Art Exhibition

I was about to start this post with a new year greeting when it hit me that we are already 2 weeks into the the new year! Whoa, where did all the time go?! And I thought (then, with much anxiety) that January would be a restful month after an eventful, albeit hectic December. Nevertheless, here’s wishing everyone a blessed 2014 and I hope it has been a good start for all.

As for me, I am thankful for a splendid start to the new year – face painting gigs, tuition assignments and, to top it off, a lovely exhibition, showcasing my students’ work in a childcare center I worked with. Just thinking of the excited little faces and our little ‘gallery’, makes me swoon with pride. Yes, I have very talented students! You will see…

Empowering “Cans”


The children’s work were set up for silent auction and the donations garnered from this little exhibition will go on to help less fortunate children supported y MWS (Methodist Welfare Service).
These little soup cans provided by the parents (thank you!), were clothed with bright colours and given a new life by the little ones. They formed the center piece of the exhibition, as evidences of little yet powerful hands, that can go on to empower more “cans.”
Cans displayed on stands
The children were introduced to Andy Warhol and the concept of printing.
Image taken from Campbell’s Soup Can. Andy Warhol. 1965.
They were given instructions and guidance to make their own limited edition soup cans by printing on coloured paper. Nursery children did fruits and vegetable printing while the Kindergarten children did potato carving and printing.
Image taken from Andy Warhol limited edition Campbell’s soup can labels
Bigger picture of the setup

Action Painting

By Pre-Nursery children

Art at its purest beginning – It’s a messy messy colourful palette of expressions by Pre-Nursery children. There was no agenda, no greater motive than to have fun with paints and colours, the Pollock style! I introduced the little ones to Pollock’s Composition 1A and gave them only 1 instruction – to fill up the huge paper on the floor with colours and fun!

Circle, Circles Everywhere
Inter-class project by Nursery children
I got the children to collect and bring to school, the circles they see around them. And here’s what we made together with circles everywhere!
The Children were introduced to Kandinsky’s Colour Study – Squares and Concentric Circles and given instructions and guidance to create a composition using the circles they bought to school.
smaller scale version done by 2 classes of Nursery children
Apart from COLOUR STUDY – SQUARES AND CONCENTRIC CIRCLES, the Children also were introduced to Kandinsky’s Several Circles. Similarly, they were given instructions and guidance to create a composition using the circles they bought to school. 
Image taken from Several Circles. Wassily Kandinsky
Ta-dahhh! Here’s the final work done by Nursery children.
Teacup Pup
Paper craft cups and pups by Kindergarten children
We took 2 parts of Karen Davies’ Teacup Pup and made teacups for ourselves.
I’m just a sad little pup
who got myself stuck in this cup.
I was thirsty and wanted some tea
but I drank too much and fell in you see.
My owner says I’m her favorite pet
but, now she’ll have to take me to the vet.
She’ll be real mad when she finds out
all the money she’ll spend, no more favorite without a doubt.
A closer look at the cups. Ain’t they beautiful?
Multi-colour version done with coloured paper squares.
Twinkle, Tinkle Starry Night

Mix-media painting on canvas, by children from the graduating classes

The graduating classes learned about Van Gogh and his Starry Night. Van Gogh spent 1 year in St Remy (an asylum), where he produced 150 paintings. The Starry Night was the view from St Remy’s window.   Though it wasn’t a cheery story, the children however, had lots of fun putting their own Twinkle, Twinkle Starry Night together with tissue, colour squares, glue and lots of paints!

These pretty much sums up my work for last December – the most eventful month the year 2013. Looking back at the many ups and downs, contours and detours in the past year, I am beyond grateful to have ended it on a good note, and even more so, to have ushered in the new year with new hope, and lotsa paints! 🙂

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