
Hello! And welcome to MumCraft.com

If you have followed us here from ChubbyAnecdotes.net (our former url), thank you very much for staying with us! 🙂

Chubby Anecdotes

Chubby Anecdotes started as a personal blog. I started blogging socially when Chubby (my son) was a chubby little tot. He is still pretty much a tot but he is not chubby anymore (sigh, must be all the running and jumping around). Though I still call him “Chubby”, I foresee I’ll have to stop calling him that soon – won’t want him to be laughed at by his classmates when he is older. Similarly, like many things that evolves with time, I see a need for the blog to grow up with the kids and I, hence the birth of Mum Craft – our brand new blog.

Mum Craft, as the name suggests, is about mothering and art and craft. It also means to me, the craft of mothering. Some people believe that maternal instinct comes naturally (and I respect that)…

“Aiya, no need read what books la. Those work for angmors (foreigners) only.” Humm.
“You will know what to do when your child is out(of your womb).” Good for you.

But not me, because guess what? Maternal instinct didn’t suddenly came to me when I first held my inconsolable newborn. It didn’t came to my rescue when my kids were screaming into my ears. In short, I see motherhood as a constantly evolving journey and mothering as a craft that needs to be pursued, requires passion and takes constant practise to acquire the necessary skills.

You may have realised that nothing much changed here- it’s still me here bloggin about my kids and the art and craft we do. You may have also realised that Chubby Fairy (my little face painting and kids art business) has been relocated here too. This being said, Chubby Fairy (a registered business) is still an entity on it’s own, while Mum Craft remains a not-for-profit blog. I moved them into the same platform to make it easier for me to manage both at the same time.


I’ve built this new wordpress blog myself, using a free theme from wordpress.org. I’ve tried to make it as pretty and user friendly as possible. It isn’t ideal yet, but that’s the best I can do for now. Akin to the way I’ve built my physical home – I work with what I have, move in then improve things along the way, I’ve started Mum Craft the same way, so please bear with me if some of the stuffs here are not working the way they should (I am still working on them). Please let me have your feedback on how I can make this blog better by leaving a comment below or emailing to chubbyanecdotes@gmail.com.

Many thanks in advance! :).


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