And they lived happily ever after – a bedtime story

What to do when mommy ran out of ideas for a story at bedtime? 

Well, someone has to do the job, right? I did what I believe any mom would do – I opened story time to the floor (or rather, the bed). Tonight, Meimei rose to the occasion with her very own bedtime tale. Here’s how it went…

Once upon a time, there was a handsome pig (yes, she said pig!) named Samuel (aha!).
He was in his car, but he was alone.
Then he saw a pretty princess named Diana (YAY!).
He wanted to ask the princess to marry him…

By then, everyone was laughing out loud.
Suddenly, I was wide awake. And so were the kids (much to my dismay). Just when I was wondering how would the story end and how long more too go before they would sleep, Jiejie came in with the best ending ever..

“and they lived happily ever after.”

And we did, almost-happily ever after.
Our 6 years and counting of marriage wasn’t a bed of roses, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. There’s no place I’d rather be then in my home, snuggling with my brood of 3 in our overcrowded bed (mattresses to be exact). Listening to their every breathe and watching them fall asleep gently (eventually), is a privilege – my privilege. I can go on and on but Jiejie pretty much said it all. Yes, we lived (and will live) happily every after 🙂


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