Peanut – A new chapter

I’ve got news to share – I am expecting!
For those of you who know me personally, this should be quite a surprise (in a good way, I hope).
It took me a while to summon enough courage to break the news to many. Ya know, I am not so sure what sort of reactions to expect from people around. When I was expecting baby no. 1 and 2, most of my friends and family were very excited. By the time Chubby came along, most of the excitement had faded, apart from congratulatory, I was also presented with questioning glances (How are you going to provide for so many kids?) and some interesting suggestions (some on birth control. lolx). Most of them meant well, many laughed with me, a couple pissed me off (bad), but only a few people saw my struggles.
Frankly, 3 kids and working isn’t a breeze for me. Though I do not often exhibit my fatigue, I am in no way a super mom. Just a regular one living a day at a time. So if u ask me, having another child isn’t the plan, not in a couple of years.
So, I’d say I need to be insane to have another child now (and I still think so). But well, some people are worth going crazy for. And a new life, a child, my child, is definitely worth it.
What’s ahead? I am not all too sure but I am full of expectations – expecting more sleepless nights, more work, a messier house, a new baby and a lot, a lot  more love and joy.
Here’s an ultrasound image of my new baby.
Peanut at week 09. I am 15 weeks pregnant now.
Affectionately known as Peanut at home. We have yet to find out the gender to choose a better name, so “Baby Peanut” it will be, for now 🙂

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